Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is needed..............

I have been thinking a lot about mercy.  I need it and I desire it.  I am grateful for knowledge that allows me to believe and have faith in a merciful Heavenly Father.  It bring hope.  I know that I am a child a God, a beloved daughter.  Throughout my time here on earth I have also come to a very real and true principle, I am not perfect.  I am tempted, I sin, I get angry, I act out, I occasionally lose my way.  On the other hand, I plead for mercy, I say I am sorry, I repent, I seek peace, and have learned with a broken heart and contrite spirit.  I am not perfect and I need God's mercy.  I have also learned that everyone else on this planet is not perfect.  To me, that is an extremely humbling idea.  If I accept that idea, then mercy is also expected of me.  That person who offended me, the one one who hurt me, the individual who made a mistake is in need of my mercy as I am of theirs.  Humbling, yes?  If I take the time to view others as I so desperately desire my Heavenly Father to view me, would I not be kinder? Gentler? More compassionate? More forgiving?  I have no idea how much an individual prays for help or seeks guidance with weakness and struggles.  I have no clue as to the trials and sorrows of each person's life, but Heavenly Father does.  He knows.  That is why next time I become irritated or fed up with someone or their actions, I hope that I remember mercy.  I hope that before I open my mouth or write hateful words, the image of that individual praying for help comes to my mind.  With that picture in my mind maybe my response and thoughts will be different and closer to that of my Heavenly Father.  I have been thinking a lot about mercy.  I need it, I desire it, and I must be willing to give it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Reckless abandon...............

It is hot! I won't bother with any cute descriptions, it's enough to say that I live in an oven. Every summer I wonder at the crazy people that settled this land. No wonder the unofficial motto is 'carpe manana'(for those a little behind in their languages it means, seize tomorrow)! It's just too darn hot to get worked up about very much. Which is why I am at this very moment rocking lazily on the porch swing. My kiddos, on the other hand, are using great amounts of energy swimming. I love watching the first takeoff, the first jump into the pool! Most often it is a race. Rarely will they all stand by the side of the pool and wait to see who is first. Today was one of those days. The pool is quite chilly and unheated, so the kids knew that the first time in the water would be a great shock to the body. Of course they also knew that it would feel amazing! My little one had her goggles on and a big floaty ring around her middle, all business. She took a long hard look at her brother, took a deep breath and jumped. Her arms were spread wide and an enormous smile on her face. Pure, innocent delight. It was a wonderment to behold. It was such a contrast to her friend, who was wading in an inch at a time. The poor kid was feeling every agonizing centimeter of ice water. It looked painful. Watching these two little girls, I learned a lesson. It reminded me of a quote from Elder Wirthlin, "Come what may, and love it!" My little one had accepted the fact of the cold water and she was willing to enjoy the ride. She came up gasping from the shock and laughing at the exhilarating feeling. I hope she keeps that memory with her, I know that I will.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The new summer............................

Summer, summer, summer, how I love thee! The slower pace, the popsicle, and the starry nights. It is hot, but that is usually something I am willing to overlook on those lazy summer evenings. All that is required is a chilled sweet watermelon, and a tall glass topped with ice. Children swim or play in the sprinklers while the adults rock slowly under the porch. Old country music plays softly in the background. I cherish those nights, they are precious and rare. A reminder to slow down and just 'be'.
Some of my strongest memories are from my summers, and I am pretty darn sure it is because those were some of the few times of the year, that we took the time to j enjoy one another. We would sit out on my grandparents deck and watch the street light slowly come to life. All the while consuming great amounts of peaches, apricots, and tomatoes from grandpa's garden. More often than not, someone was sunburned and happily tired from an excursion to the lake. Looking back, those nights seemed magical, and I miss them. Yet, I know they live on with each passing summer. Children are beautiful like that. They create the magic, and I feel blessed to be a part of another summer with memories dancing like fairies in the twilight just waiting to be caught.

Monday, June 6, 2011

City girl.......................

On a recent trip to Las Vegas, I came to an inescapable conclusion; i am a small town type of girl. Don't get me wrong, 'sin' city was great. There was constant movement and the lights were continually blinking and displaying all kinds of images. And of course the casinos were a constant den of activity. Loud groups of college boys and girls roamed free, older couples rekindled their youth, desperate people stood on corners with haunted looks, grandmas with their cups of coins played the slots, and women traveled in packs determined to have a good time with their friends. It was a 'people' watcher's paradise. Yet amid all of this movement i felt lost. I longed for quiet and a slower pace. I've always wanted to be a city girl. You know the type, the kind of girl who takes on the urban jungle and survives. It takes nerve and plenty of guts, and it's just plain cool! Alas, i am just not cut out for city life. I need space! I enjoy looking into the sky without seeing a tall building and being able to search the midnight sky for the little dipper without fighting the neon lights. I appreciate simple. My first night home, i sat outside on the porch swing and took in the magnificence of the moonless starry night. I was calm and peaceful, and I was home.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Orange blossom special...........

I adore the fiddle. There is just something about it that makes me happy. I love watching the fiddler and I am mezmorized by the bow. It could be an Irish jig or some Charlie Daniels. I am hooked. As a matter of fact, I defy anyone to listen to 'Orange Blossom Special' and not be yelling 'Yeehaw!' by the end! As a matter of fact I challenge you not to smile and clap along. Fiddle playing is down home, good ol' country folk. People who know how to work, hard. People who know when to kick up their heels and have a rip roaring good time. The type of people who show up with food in hand when tragedy strikes and in the good times they still show up with food to celebrate. People who have a relationship with the land. They are a people, who at the end of the day, get on their knees and say a humble prayer. Good people. I never grew up on a farm or ranch, but I consider myself a bit country. My roots are country and I am grateful to come from a long line of good people. Now let's start those toes a tapping!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bumming and reflecting..............

Today I took all of the ornaments off of my Christmas tree. Yes, I am aware of the date, but it is just a sad affair to dismantle a Christmas tree. The necessity of abolishing the tree to the garage each year is seen as sad and wasteful by the younger members of our family. With some haunted melancholy music, beautifully composed by Danny Elfman, playing in the background, I started upon my task. Our tree is packed full of ornaments, with the majority being homemade. I love the history and memories that the tree evokes each year as we joyfully hang ornaments, and note the growth that has taken place. Throughout the holiday season, new ornaments are added. Yet, packing them away is rather sad. Wrapping a popsicles sleigh with a second grader's picture on it, squeezes my heart. I know she will never be that age again. A name carefully written on a wooden angel with an unsteady hand is priceless to me. Ornaments from friends and loved ones are packed away and I wonder where these individuals will be a year from now. What will our world be like a year from now? I hope and pray that next year, as we pull the ornaments from the boxes, it will find us reaching new milestones, wiser from experiences, at peace with our decisions, and content with our lot in life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Speaking with angels.........

I have been people watching lately, and I have discovered something astounding. The happy people, in particular the happy elderly people are individuals who are grateful. Life is a happy place for them to be, and they are just grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this thing we call life. I know, it is a bit 'pollyanish', but these people seem to just glow and I for one want to bask in all of that goodness. I've watched as these individuals deal with adversity, or just plain mean people. I couldn't help but notice that the good was always looked for first. If they were dealing with someone ornery, it was just assumed that that grouchy person was doing their best, and didn't mean any harm. If trials came their way, they counted their blessings, and thanked God for what they did have and would humbly ask for help. I'm tying it up into a neat little package, and probably treating it a bit lightly, but really, when was the last time you gave a prayer, the entire prayer, over to gratitude. Really took the time to thank God for each and every blessing. I imagine it would be a very humbling and sweet time of reflection. I, for one, intend to try it for who doesn't want that peace and contentment?